Dr. Sue Johnson's Partner Relationship Improvement Program

Are you looking for a way to enrich, revitalize or save your relationship? We all need love, support and partnership throughout our lives. But sometimes we need a little help.
The message of "Hold Me Tight" is simple: you don't need to learn to use persuasive arguments in an argument, analyze your early childhood, make grand romantic gestures, or try new sex positions. Instead, accept that you are emotionally connected and depend on your partner as children depend on their parents for reassurance, care and protection. Dr. Johnson teaches us that the way to strengthen or save a relationship is to be open, in sync, and responsive to each other in order to restore emotional connectedness. The program focuses on creating and strengthening emotional connectedness between partners through the use of key themes for any relationship - recognizing "demonic dialogue," identifying "weak spots," forgiveness, intimacy, and more.
The program is based on 25 years of research on couple relationships and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), a contemporary approach to working with couples created by Dr. Sue Johnson.
It consists of 8 training meetings for couples who want to understand more about their relationship and enrich their relationship. It uses presentations, video, experiential exercises and discussion between participants.
What will you learn?
- Connect differently with your partner
- Strengthen your trust in each other and deepen the sense of security in the relationship.
- Communicate in ways that promote mutual understanding and acceptance.
- To better understand your own feelings and the feelings of another.
- To start healing the emotional wounds in the relationship yourself.
- Create trust and comfort in your relationship for the long term.
- To feel connected in the emotional and intimate realms.
Elena Krasteva and Dorothea Panova are family psychotherapists trained in the method of Emotionally Focused Therapy.
Participation fee: 580BGN per couple.
For registration: info@eftherapy.bg , phone for information: 0885121345 - Elena Krasteva, 0893583231 - Dorothea Panova
Feedback from course participants:
"Thank you for this course and through it the opportunity to see our relationships through a different, significantly more accessible and tangible prism. When we realize that we are not the only ones who get lost along the relationship path and need to work on ourselves and our relationship, and keep the love alive, I feel relieved to some degree." L.D. - October 2020
"For me, the experience was like an adventure in which I discovered new and some well forgotten things about myself and the two of us. Regarding the organization of the course and the material, I liked that there was homework and reading material for the next talk. This helped me get in the mood for the next meeting. It also gave me a predictability and peace of mind about what was in store for us. I also liked that each talk built on the ones already past and went deeper. Finally, I want to end by saying that I felt in safe hands in the person of our leaders, Elena and Dorothea. I had the peace of mind that we would get through this adventure safely. This was very important to me and helped me in my journey."
"My metaphorical insight was that: Partner relationships through the approach of emotional connectedness transform from the little ugly duckling, into a beautiful white Swan. Something that was out of place is back where it belongs. Out of our minds, into our hearts...." - A.B. - May 2021
"For us, the course came at the worst possible time. When we both had a lot of work to do, a lot of additional circumstances that were completely overwhelming and taking up our already missing time. And on top of that, we had to find space for the course as well.
I insisted we take the course because our communication was rough. We felt bad, we were bogged down in domestic stuff, past the kids and combining them with work and everything. We were quite alienated. We were always sharing. Noting who hadn't done something, comparing who had done more. We fought. In front of the kids included. It was ugly. We felt bad. Unhappy, on a daily basis. And guilty in front of the kids. One summer, things escalated. And that was apparently the straw that made us take the step to seek help. Because, the truth is, no one was considering a separation. But we were so fed up with everyday life that we were losing desire and motivation for anything. And we decided that we would not wait for it to pass, but try to speed up the process.
Before the first date, my husband was furious. He had to leave work early on one of the busiest days and go to something he was actually rather driven to. But that didn't hinder the end result. It even enhanced it. The very first meetings showed us a different perspective. From which we could see each other clearly. As a team that needed to rise to the challenge. And we succeeded. We began to grasp the demonic dialogues, the harsh recriminations, the pointless brawls from which there is no winner - one is angry and the other bitter. And instead of taking turns in these unfortunate roles, we simply learned to skillfully stop the bickering. Because we realized that it is not an argument from which there are lessons to be learned, but a terrible backward spiral that alienates and hurts us. We began to understand each other more, to look for the reasons behind the emotions, the needs behind the reactions, and to look for how to help each other. How to be a team against the problems. And not to divide and look for someone to blame. We realized that routine can pull us into such a vortex that we can't see the situations or the other clearly. And of the funny boy and the sweet girl who had once fallen in love and had shared plans and dreams there was no trace left. They had become an oppressed man and an evil and perpetually dissatisfied woman who mostly bickered. A common picture we see so often that it has become part of the jokes. So typical that even people consider it normal and inevitable.
Turns out it could be the other way around. The story could be different. And be very good.
8 weeks proved more than enough for real change to happen. Realistically, after the second meeting we felt we were on the right track. And that motivated us. We achieved much more than we expected. And besides, the process was enjoyable, fun, interesting and exciting.
We also made friends. With whom we achieved great and real success together. Each in their own pair.
Elena and Dorothea, thank you! What you do is truly valuable! You are helping for real. And you make people happy again." B. K. - November 2021